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Privacy Policy


This Privacy Policy is intended to help you understand why we are collecting your personal data and how we use it. Please read it carefully before using this site.

This policy applies to all of you who visit our website or purchase and use our products or services through our website.

The Company ensures that the George’s Jewellery eShop is in compliance with the provisions of Law 2472/1997 on the “Protection of Individuals with regard to the Processing of Personal Data” and Law 3471/2006 on the “Protection of Personal Data and Privacy in the Electronic Communications” and the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation). In any case, the Company asserts that any collection, processing and/or storage of your personal data is carried out according to law and only upon your express specific consent and solely and exclusively for the purposes and to the extent necessary for the operation of the George’s Jewellery eShop.


The security of your personal information is important to us. For safely surfing the George’s Jewellery eShop, as well as for the security of your transactions with it, the Company takes all appropriate steps, by adopting current and high-quality security standards in line with market trends, and uses TLS 1.2 with cryptographic protocol 128-bit (Secure Sockets Layer - SSL), which are put into operation upon the entry of sensitive personal data offering codified communication.

We follow the standard industrial process for the protection of personal information and personal data submitted to us, both during their transmission and at the time of their collection. We impose on our third partners who have access to your data the obligation to comply with corresponding measures; they are committed to processing your personal data in compliance with the law and always in accordance with our instructions. However, no method of transmission via the Internet, or electronic storage method is 100% secure. Therefore, while we use the best means to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee absolute security.

In addition, for your security, all your information is stored within the European Union or companies that comply with Privacy Shield and meet all the requirements of the European Data Protection Regulation. Copies of the information you have entered are stored encrypted.

The newsletter service is provided through a provider (currently the Constant Contact platform which follows European personal data storage standards). By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to the storage and use of your data through this platform. 


The Company ensures that the George’s Jewellery eShop is in compliance with the provisions of the Laws regarding personal data. In any case, the Company asserts that any collection, processing and/or storage of your personal data is carried out according to the laws set.

By using the services of George’s Jewellery eShop and its terms of use, you declare responsibly that you are over 16 years old.

Underage visitors to the George’s Jewellery eShop may have access to it and its services only with the consent and under the supervision of their parents without being required to submit their personal data. Should such data be submitted by underage persons, the Company immediately deletes them, given its prior notification, since there is no other way to know it.

 Personal Data and Processing

Although browsing the George’s Jewellery eShop is possible even without the disclosure of information that is considered to be personal data, you may benefit from more services if you agree to disclose certain personal data, depending on the service you are interested in at each time.

  • In a non-automated way

A necessary requirement for initiating and processing your transaction with our Company is the disclosure by you of certain personal data, such as your full name, contact details (email, phone number) and your address for sending your order. The submission of your personal information implies your consent to its use by the administrators of George’s Jewellery eshop for the execution of your order.

Your payment details (e.g., the number of your credit card) are not collected or stored by the Company, so you need to re-register them each time you want to make a transaction through George’s Jewellery eShop.

Finally, you need to declare your email and gender and optionally your date of birth, name and surname, for the Company to provide personalized promotional offers / gifts. In addition, you may be asked to provide additional information about your product / service preferences.

  • In an automated way

During your navigation in George’s Jewellery eShop we collect information for the proper implementation of the provided services and their quality using cookies, web server logs (files for recording functionality and server performance) and web beacons (technique with the addition of tags to websites and email which allow the discreet -usually invisible- verification that a user -anonymous- has access to certain content). Our servers use your computer's IP (computer address on a network) to record traffic. These IPs are anonymous and have no user profile correlation. In enquiries submitted for more information on products or services through George’s Jewellery eShop the personal data of the user submitting the enquiry and his/her IP are related. These data remain only in the George’s Jewellery eShop and are not transmitted to third parties (natural or legal persons) non-connected to the Company without your explicit and specific consent.



  • Answer on enquiries

At George’s Jewellery eShop you can request information (enquiries) about products that interest you either through the “Ask a question” form available on product pages of selected items, or through the contact form (available on the footer). The necessary information for communication is the name, the email and the phone number. Additionally, you can state your name and your intention to register into the Company's Newsletter. Submission of your phone number allows our sales associates to contact you regarding your enquiry, if necessary, even though you may have selected as the preferred way to receive your answer the email.

  • Checkout

To start and complete a transaction with our Company, it's necessary to inform us about some of your personal information such as your name, your contact details (email, phone number) and your address for shipping your order. The submission of your personal data implies your consent to the use of these data by the administrators of George’s Jewellery eshop for the execution of your order and the transfer of the necessary data to the cooperating courier companies.

  • Sending promotional and informative material

George’s Jewellery eShop’s visitors can subscribe to the George’s Jewellery Newsletter.

A visitor/customer subscribes to the George’s Jewellery Newsletter in two ways:

  1. at the final stage of the order submission process, by selecting the respective check box. In this case George’s Jewellery eShop’ administrators have the right to add this customer to the Newsletter mailing list or
  2. during his navigation at the George’s Jewellery eShop by entering his/her email in the Newsletter field available on every page and optionally his name and date of birth.

If the visitor/customer wants to stop receiving the marketing emails, he/she can unsubscribe from the service through the unsubscribe link available at the end of each marketing email (footer) or by sending email to infoThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and ask to be unsubscribed.

  • Personalized advertising

For personalized advertising and repetitive advertising (remarketing), George’s Jewellery eShop implements its ads on third-party networks that collect IP addresses and other navigation information using cookies, web server logs and web beacons. A prerequisite for personalized advertising is the acceptance of the respective cookies when entering the website. Personal information such as name, phone number, email is not collected or sent. This information is used to display ads tailored to your preferences and to analyze their effectiveness. These ads are displayed on our websites and on third parties.

  • Improvement of provided services

The Company uses the data for purposes of communication and customer management, statistical analysis and improvement of the provided services.

Data related to the use of George’s Jewellery eShop are collected as they help us to evaluate its operation (eg page traffic, browser used, source of visitors, sales statistics, etc.) and perform statistical analysis without reference to individual user’s data.

We use third party web analytics services to monitor George’s Jewellery eShop and its social media. Providers of these services use technologies such as cookies, web server logs and web beacons. User’s information which are collected and transmitted to these providers (including the IP address) helps to analyze the way users use the website, e.g. whether they are new or regular visitors. Personal information such as name, phone number, email are not collected or sent and there is no user identification.

  • Quality assurance and security

The Company uses the collected data so that it can detect possible cyber attacks on time and be protected.



The Company asserts that it will not use your personal data for any use not specifically authorized by you, nor will send or disclose your data to any third parties (natural or legal entities) not affiliated with the Company, without your explicit and specific consent to this action.

George’s Jewellery eShop transmits your personal data in cases where disclosure is necessary in order for your order to be carried out (e.g. cooperating shipping companies) or if it is mandatory by law.

In addition, the Company uses automation services for the purpose of sending mass email (currently Constant Contact platform). By subscribing to our newsletter, you consent to save and use your data through such services.


Retention period

The retention period of personal data is configured according to each case. 

In cases of necessary processing required by law (e.g. retention of commercial documents), the time period shall be in accordance with the current legal provisions.

In cases of executing contractual obligations the retention period is for as long as it is considered necessary for the execution of these but also for the foundation, exercise and support of legal claims.

In cases of implementing promotional and advertising actions, they are retained until the withdrawal of your consent at any time. The Company may legally process the data until the time of withdrawal.


Guest / Customer rights

The rights of each individual regarding the processing of his/her data are summarized as follows:

The right of access - individuals will have the right to know exactly what information is held about them and how it is processed.

The right of rectification - individuals will be entitled to have personal data rectified if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

The right to erasure - also known as 'the right to be forgotten', this refers to an individual's right to having their personal data deleted or removed without the need for a specific reason. It is not absolute and only applies in certain circumstances.

The right to restrict processing - an individual's right to block or suppress processing of their personal data, when their accuracy is questioned, the processing is illegal, or the data are no longer needed by the controller

The right to object - in certain circumstances, individuals are entitled to object to their personal data being used.

The right to data portability - this allows individuals to ask for their personal data to be transferred to another data controller

The right to be informed – all organisations must be completely transparent in how they are processing personal data, the purposes for processing and who it will be shared with.

In order to withdraw his/her consent, the user can choose to unsubscribe through the available options provided in the respective means of electronic communications or he/she can inform the Company about his/her intention at the email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. In cases of informative emails, the user can withdraw his/her consent and be removed from the list by selecting the “Unsubscribe” link at the end of each informative email or even send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. requesting its deletion. Finally, if he/she wishes to opt out of repetitive marketing actions (remarketing) or to check the information used for these actions, he can do so at the following links:




The George’s Jewellery eShop can use cookies in order to provide visitors/customers with information, better services (order status, personal settings, etc.) and more efficient and direct order processing, to create personalized advertisements according to the interests and needs of the visitor / customer, as well as to compile anonymous reports and statistical analysis that contribute to the better understanding of the use of George’s Jewellery eShop and to its improvement.

The personal identity of the visitor cannot be directly verified through cookies. The visitor can disable the use of cookies. However, some features are only available through the use of cookies and disabling them may affect their availability.

The cookies we use are divided into two categories: Temporary "session" cookies and permanent "persistent" cookies.

Session cookies are temporarily stored as files on your computer but are automatically deleted when you close the browser or leave the website. They can also help us understand the user and his movements on our site.

Persistent cookies are stored as files on your computer and remain there if you close the browser, unless you delete them. We do not use cookies to extract information about your traffic to other websites, or to verify personal information. Cookies do not corrupt or damage your computer, software or files.

Through the settings of your browser, you can delete cookies that have already been saved at any time, prevent the installation of new cookies or ask to be asked every time a cookie is to be installed on your computer. For more information you can go to your browser’s help page.

For more information about cookies, click here:



Every visitor/customer has the right to complain to the Hellenic Data Protection Authority ( Phone: +30 210 6475600, Fax: +30 210 6475628, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. Postal Address: 1-3 Kifissias Avenue, 115 23, Athens

Visitors / customers can also submit any question / request regarding the processing of their personal data and exercise all their legal rights by contacting the responsible for Processing Personal Data Mr. Angelos Dimitropoulos at tel: +30 3247896 (Monday-Friday: 12:00 - 17:00) email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

By visiting this website you accept the use of cookies as described in our Terms & Conditions section.